Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Kristy's Hoodie

is almost done. I just need to finish the arms and the front buttons etc. then block it. Just in time too, the weather is starting to cool off. This has been a fun knit, specially considering it's my first sweater ever. We'll see if I can get her to model it when it's all done. This is my hand spun yarn, made from Stone Soup roving's from my friend Cary at Serenity Farms it was so much fun to spin, I couldn't believe how quickly I got it all spun up and the knitting has been wonderful too. I can't help thinking part of that is due to the care and heart Cary puts into taking care of her flock.


  1. that looks great. What pattern did you use?

  2. Looks great! I have some stone soup roving too but haven't spun it yet.

  3. Thank you for sharing the picture, Nancy, it looks just great! That roving was fun to make, it is from a large mixture of sheep ;)
