Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Progress... ??

This is the beginning of the mitts.

I like the cable and ribbing, it matches the hat nicely. The only problem is,
I didn't weigh out the yarn and am worried I won't have enough to make
two matching mitts. So...

I ripped it out and started over by taking it all to my scale and
weighing, then dividing in two piles.

I'm all ready to go and I've swatched (ok, only if the
ripped out first attempt counts -grinning-)

Monday, January 17, 2011


Today the miracle may be to simply complete the short 'To do..." list.
I've about got the mess cleaned up from our last snow, with a little
effort the last of the laundry and floor mopping will be done today.

Liz's new hat is done and I'm hoping to have enough yarn left over
to make some matching fingerless mitts.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Moving on

Little did I know when I was writing about changes, what was just around the corner for me at that time. I had been thinking of my husband's return to school, working towards completion of his Masters Degree and what that would mean as far as reducing the work load around the farm, changing our vision of what God had for us to accomplish...

There were other changes in store than what I had been expecting and after spending well over 30 years becoming one with my husband, I'm now learning how to be single again. My husband went on to be with the Lord. What I am sure of is the faithfulness of God, the love of my family and I know I am blessed with wonderful friends and church family. As for the rest of life's little details, I'm taking that a bit at a time.