Friday, March 27, 2009

More Lambs

Actually, this is a better picture of Basa our WONDERFUL maremma, but you can see the lamb behind her in the small pen. Basa is so good with the lambs! She helps the ewes keep track and the first time one of the lambs figured out how to escape the pen (of course in the dark of night and yes, a black lamb ;) ) Basa made such a racket we came rushing out to the barn to check things out and were able to get the lamb back with mama in just a few minutes.

This is Demi and her new ewe lamb. She looks especially messy but she's mostly soaking wet! We haven't had a downpour like this in a while and so, of course, another lamb. Thankfully my daughter was here and helped me get mama and baby in the barn with a heat lamp and some deep hay and we were able to make sure she was nursing and not just sucking on wet fleece . . .
I was trying to get this picture up while she was still the newest lamb. . . but that was a couple of days ago and we now have another sweet lamb. Can someone please tell me why the ewe's think the nasty weather is the time to lamb??? On the up side, I've heard we might get snow this weekend, maybe we'll have another lamb or two :)

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